The National Early Music Association


The National Early Music Association of the UK has existed since 1981 to bring together all concerned with early music and to forge links with other early music organizations in the UK and around the world. Nema also acts to represent musicians in the early music field to outside bodies, when required.

For just £22 per year, Members of Nema receive the annual Early Music Yearbook, an invaluable handbook containing details of professional and amateur enthusiasts worldwide as well as of societies, magazines, instrument makers and much more. They also receive Early Music Performer, Nema’s twice-yearly magazine which brings the most important new scholarship to practising early musicians, and keeps its readers up to date with the latest news from the world of historically informed performance.

The annual NEMA day brings together members for a practical workshop, lecture and professional concert.

Whatever your interest in early music – amateur or professional, scholar or performer, listener, instrument maker or CD buyer – you should join Nema.

Pages on this web site will show how to join Nema and how to make entries into the Yearbook.



The National Early Music Association maintained with help from blog building guide.